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Pet Insurance Claims Stories - Illness & Disease Claim StoriesChevron Right

Sully's Story

A Boxer puppy looking all sad and worried after he has experienced a few diseases.

The evening before Sully was scheduled for his third round of puppy shots, he fell ill and started to vomit.

Vet Bill: $7,331


Sully was a healthy, energetic Boxer puppy until Christmas Eve, when he became very ill with bouts of vomiting. He was rushed to an emergency vet clinic, where his pet parent was given some shocking news.

Sully’s pet parent, Maryann, tells us more:

Sully is my last performance competition dog, so I got him from a friend who is a reputable, responsible breeder. Sully's litter received routine veterinary care, which included the first two puppy shots before I took him home.

We visited our vet for his first checkup and orthopedic report card right away. He was pronounced healthy, so I scheduled his final puppy shot appointment. The night before, however, Sully vomited a few times so, instead of his third immunization, he got an injection to help with nausea. There was no fever, no diarrhea, nothing to indicate what was really going on.

The next day, Sully was lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink, and was still vomiting fluid. I immediately took him to the vet, where a thorough exam and tests were performed. I was shocked to find out that Sully had parvo. I was told to get him into a 24-hour vet so that he could be monitored and that, without the supportive care, his chances of surviving were slim.

During Sully's five-day stay in the veterinary hospital, he also developed pneumonia from aspirating the vomit. His condition was critical, and when I'd visit, I had to stand outside the "contagion" room. He was so sick he didn't respond to me and the only hope the vets could give me was, "He's holding his own." During his illness, he lost over 20 percent of his body weight, which is a lot for a puppy! Finally, I got the report I was waiting for: Sully's little Boxer nub was wagging again!

All the time my pup was ill, I knew Embrace Pet Insurance would be there for us. The cost of 24-hour hospital care is expensive, but I had faith in Embrace. Sully is my third Embraced Boxer, so I have come to expect excellent and prompt service, which is exactly what I received. All the people I dealt with were so kind and helpful and the reimbursement was very timely. Thanks to the wonderful veterinarians, vet techs, and Embrace Pet Insurance, Sully has fully recovered and is back to his energetic and joyful self!"

Sully's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges


Annual Deductible




Total Embrace Reimbursement


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