How To Keep Pets Cool In The Summer

Holiday & seasonal
Border Collie by a pool

When the summer temps are spiking, a little cool-off pre-caution goes a long way toward preventing your pet from getting uncomfortable or possibly even suffering from heat stroke. Let’s look at the most important ways you can keep your pet cool this summer and all year round.

Exercise Safely

You and your pet will both be more comfortable if you can fit exercise in early or late in the day to avoid the high temps and blazing sun. It’s better for light-colored and short-haired pets who are more susceptible to sunburns and for dark-coated pets who soak up the sun easily.

Also, be aware of hot asphalt or sand that may hurt your pet’s paws. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for their tootsies too. If your dog loves walks, even on hot summer days, be sure to look into paw pad protection options.

Keep Your Pet Hydrated

It’s crucial to keep cool clean drinking water available for your pet at all times, but it’s especially critical on walks. Carry a bottle for your pet and make sure to give them a chance to hydrate regularly so they don’t drink too much too fast or start drinking from gross puddles while on walks.

Swimming pools, sprinklers, and hoses are also a great way to help your pet cool off in the mid-day sun. Just remember to check the temp if the hose has been out in the sun and be aware of the risk factors of dry drowning.

Your dog will also appreciate cool treats, so take a second now to make a quick batch of dog-friendly popsicles, using ingredients like Greek yogurt, peanut butter, applesauce, or broth. They’re a great way to encourage dogs to boost their water intake and settle down after getting hot. Can dogs have milk as a cool treat too? Short answer, probably not, so watch the milk content of your cool treats.

Leave Them at Home, Not In The Car

If you can’t take your pet inside with you, it’s best to let them stay home. Even with car windows down or the AC running, accidents happen. Pets can become overheated in a car in the time it takes you to make that quick stop. It is also illegal in some states to keep your dog in a car unattended.

If you’re out and about, make sure your pet has access to shade, breeze, and, of course, cool water. If they do not have access to these necessities, it is best to leave them inside with supplies.

Consider Cooling Products

Now more than ever you can find products to keep your dog cool. Cooling mats can be filled with water and ice, frozen, or sprayed down to stay cool for hours and help your pet’s body temperature stay within a safe range. You can also find cooling bandanas and vests to provide hours of relief both at home and on the go.

If you do a lot of picnics and outings, a portable cabana can be really useful. It allows more airflow than a crate or dog house, can go to the park or beach, and allows you and your dog to escape to the shade easily.

Elevated dog beds and cooling memory foam beds can also be useful in fighting the temps both indoors and outside, so they can be a worthwhile investment, especially for older pets.

The risk of heat stroke is nothing to take chances with, so we hope you’ll try a few of these cool ways to keep your pet safe and comfy this summer.