Callie's Story

A sassy looking cat named Callie have feline asthma and was brought to the vet.

Callie was short of breath and had a nasty cough.

Vet Bill: $1,390


Callie came home after being rescued by her pet parents. She delighted in watching the birds outside and chasing balls and laser lights around her new home. But her parents noticed that in the spring of 2008 that she was becoming winded after just a few minutes of play. Over a period of weeks she went from simply being winded after play to developing a prolonged, rasping cough, sometimes followed by vomiting. Callie was taken to the Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group in Ventura, Calif.

Upon examining Callie the veterinarian determined that she was suffering from feline asthma. The radiology consultation had found a collapse of Callie's left cranial lung, likely resulting from feline asthma. Callie's treatment included a special, one-month steroid and an inhaler. After completing her treatments for asthma, she felt no ill effects and her episodes have stopped. She is once again happily chattering at the birds and chasing her balls and laser light.

Callie's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges


Annual Deductible




Total Embrace Reimbursement
